viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010


1-ESTABLISH RAPPORT. Well, the first time I heard about this, I didn´t understand the term, but what I can say now is that it is the relationship between students and teaches.This relation is useful for both because it makes the teacher´s job easier, and it allows students to learn throughly. In this point the teacher has the power to choose the way of his class because if you do not interact with your students, or you do not create a friendship with them, the results are going to be disastrous.
A teacher must be integral, and she/he has to combine a lot of elements in a

-To be a friend, but to be a leader at the same time.
-To inspire trust and respect too.
-Make students to know that they are intelligent, but not know-all.

This is related with:

As I already mentioned the teacher has to have a balance, and this also includes a balance when you gjve praise or critism to your students. You have to know that if you do not apply these resources in a good way, you can affect your students instead of help them.
For every action we have different results, and something that is nice for you, can be destructive for your students, so you have to analize what your are going to do, to say, to use and to apply in your class and with your students.
This is going to help to:

3-Generate energy. When you are sure about what you are doing, and you enjoy your job, you can create a classroom energy. Remember that the person who is front as a model is the teacher, but if the teacher wants to sleep, students cannot feel motivated.
At school I didn´t like English because it was boring, and I imagine that my teachers only wanted to earn money because they didn´t look happy when they were teaching. I thought that English was boring, but now I realized that it is not. The problem is that teachers do not transmit
that energy that students need. They do not make students feel the necesity of learning, so most people at schools hate English.
In this example we can see the importance of the teacher´s behavior during our learning process. So, as English´s teachers we have to be the first who enjoy our class and what we teach; if not, we are going to be an obstacle for our students´ process.

4 comentarios:

  1. You´re totally right. Energy is transmitted, so a teacher must have that positive energy every day so that the students feel motivated to learn the language. Although there will be some cases in which you as a teacher no matter how much enthusiasm you have, there will be some students who simply won´t like so much the language.

  2. VAnessa,

    Rapport is the good relationship between the teacher and the students inside the classroom. In a class full of rapport, you see harmony and good vibrations besides a possitive attitude towards learning.
    An enthusiastic teacher is always fundamental to have effective results; however, as Lili mentioned, frequently the teacher is full of energy and creativity but the students are reluctant to cooperate.

  3. there are some students who do not like english and teachers have to encourage them to participate in the activities. it is like when you go to church for self motivation, you pay attention to the homily, but it is very different when you go because your parents say that you have to go. in this case, you are not motivated and you maybe go to sleep or talk with your friends. at school, each students motivation is really important, but teacher has to strengthen it
