lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010

This is one of the greatest experiences in a teacher´s career because in this area you can see very quickly the results of your job.
  • About the role of the teacher:
With begginers, the teacher has a big responsability because students do know anything, and they are going to reproduce all things that the teacher does. If you are motivated in your class, they are going to be motivated too, but if you do not like what you do, and you do not enjoy to teach, they are not going to learn.
A teacher has to guide the class, but it doesn´t mean that you cann´t let students to participate. What you have to do is to make your students talk, participate and have the curiosity of knowing new words and vocabulary. Also you must help them in order to develop their knowledge.
A teacher has to be a friend with students so that they feel comfortable. Also a teacher has to be very patient because some children learn very slow.

  • Authenticity of language:
Remember that students are interested in things that they can use "now"; it means useful vocabulary, phrases to share with their friends and greetings, so you have to make the language interesting for them, make topics according to their needs, and be very careful with your classes.
In this level you have to repeat a lot in order to make them learn something. Use words that they can use every day and not difficult topics which are boring for them.

  • Students creativity.
Some people think that because children do not know so much about the language, they aren´t creative, but this is no true. Maybe children cann´t make a great composition, or a nice dialogue, but they can show other kind of creativity for example: When a children make the mimics of an animal, when they play games, make gestures and when they try to answer a question. This is creativity for their level because although they do not know so much, the try to communicate each other.
A teacher has to see this nice features of students´ proccess in learning a new language, and strengthen this in order to make them feel motivated.

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Well this is the most difficult area for a teacher because they have to face a lot of problems:
When we are teens, we need a special treat because we are in an age of transition between childhood and adulthood, so teens cann´t be treated like children,but neither like adults.
All teens need attention to their questions, their curiosities and their problems. You have to talk about things that they lke if not you are not going to catch their attention. So teachers must be:

-Very creative to make topics interesting for students.Remember that students like to talk about fashion, soccer and girls, so teachers must make their topics nice for students, and they have to understand that there are some topics that are boring for students, but a teacher has to make them great. (Attention span).

-Very dinamic because you cann´t transmit something that you do not feel. Teens also need to use their body in order to learn something; this does not mean that you are going to be moving your body all the time, but you have to develop games and present your topics in a dynamic way (Sensory input) .In this period we also need pictures, videos, games, but the most important is the attitude of the teacher.

-Teachers have to know their students.
Because teens are in a period of transition, teachers have know students because they must think in everyone. A teacher has to prepare an activity and be sure if that activity is going to be effective for all teens in the class, or only for some.

-Hard workers because teachers have to prepare a lot of material.
A teacher in this area has to prepare a lot of materials. It is true that teens start to develop their logical and abstract thought, but this doesn´t mean that they do not need a lot of explanations and variety of resources in order to understand something.

-Very patient because teens are changing and they can be rebel,or difficult to treat.
Most of teens are difficult to understand, but a teacher has to play a lot of roles with them: like a friend, like a parent, like a counselor and as a teacher.

Finally I think that teaching teens is one of the most difficult jobs that a teacher can have, but if you love teaching, you are going to notice that this can give you a lot of satisfaction.

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

TEACHERRRRRRRRRRRR I have a problem.......... I couldn´t enter to the wiki because when I try, I have to create a new account .Please tell what to do.

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

Hello.... Today I want to answer teacher´s Aida question. I think it is difficult to convice students to be recorder because they can feel afraid, but we can persuade them and tell them that it is a good oportunity to learn and that it has a lot of advantages. I think that a teacher has the power to motivate students in whatever situation, but as teachers we have to believe that, and be an example for them because if we are afraid of being recorder, our students are going to feel the same.
We can practice with them in order to make them feel acostumed to be recorder and make them learn that we have to overcome every situation in our life; to do this we can invent games like "a tv show program", play as as if we were a personality that is in the tv etc.
If someone asks me if I let him-her to record my class, I am going to say Yes because I think this is a nice activity and this can help me a lot, and it can help my students too.