jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Well this is the most difficult area for a teacher because they have to face a lot of problems:
When we are teens, we need a special treat because we are in an age of transition between childhood and adulthood, so teens cann´t be treated like children,but neither like adults.
All teens need attention to their questions, their curiosities and their problems. You have to talk about things that they lke if not you are not going to catch their attention. So teachers must be:

-Very creative to make topics interesting for students.Remember that students like to talk about fashion, soccer and girls, so teachers must make their topics nice for students, and they have to understand that there are some topics that are boring for students, but a teacher has to make them great. (Attention span).

-Very dinamic because you cann´t transmit something that you do not feel. Teens also need to use their body in order to learn something; this does not mean that you are going to be moving your body all the time, but you have to develop games and present your topics in a dynamic way (Sensory input) .In this period we also need pictures, videos, games, but the most important is the attitude of the teacher.

-Teachers have to know their students.
Because teens are in a period of transition, teachers have know students because they must think in everyone. A teacher has to prepare an activity and be sure if that activity is going to be effective for all teens in the class, or only for some.

-Hard workers because teachers have to prepare a lot of material.
A teacher in this area has to prepare a lot of materials. It is true that teens start to develop their logical and abstract thought, but this doesn´t mean that they do not need a lot of explanations and variety of resources in order to understand something.

-Very patient because teens are changing and they can be rebel,or difficult to treat.
Most of teens are difficult to understand, but a teacher has to play a lot of roles with them: like a friend, like a parent, like a counselor and as a teacher.

Finally I think that teaching teens is one of the most difficult jobs that a teacher can have, but if you love teaching, you are going to notice that this can give you a lot of satisfaction.

4 comentarios:

  1. I share your point that teaching teens isn't easy, but I don't believe they're the most difficult of all, unless you have teens from the ghetto as in the film "Dangerous minds". Either way, so do u prefer teaching kids, teens or adults?

  2. Hello Jonathan. Thanks for your comment. About your question I have to tell you that it is true that teens are difficul to treat, but I really prefer to work with them because as we are teens too, we can understand them better. I would like teens because they are more mature than children, and they do not think that they know all like adults.

  3. hi Vanessa! first of all, thanks for your comment... you're so right when you say that teaching teens is hard. besides of being creative to call their attetion, a teacher also has to be like a friend for them, otherwise they are not going to like him and it can affect a lot their learning. I find so difficult to understand teens, but if you love teaching, you´re gonna do a good job. And of course, teaching teens can be very rewarding.

  4. HI all!!

    Become friend of students must be done with some kind of measurement. Keep in mind to draw the line between you and your students, the fact that you become their friend does not mean you will let them do whatever they want in class. Or in some cases they will manipulate you just for the mere fact that you are their friends.
    Teens are in a transition period so they may misunderstand the relationship you are building.
    The perception of which age level is the hardest to teach will vary according you how strong you feel at dealing each group. Some might feel so confident with children, others will enjoy teens or adults or there will those versatile people who will do a great job teaching the three age levels.
