This time we are going to work with some useful Internet tools(quizzes on youthink.com, a video, a listening and a reading), which are intended to help students to get a better understanding of the topics and they also have a big chance to reinforce some skills in the target language. That is why, we have prepared 3 quizzes which contain 12 questions each, and they are designed for three different age levels: kids, teens and adults.
To continue, we will describe what each quiz is based on and then we will give you an idea on how to develop each of them.
These are multiple choice quizzes constituted by 12 statements with three possible options each. You have to go to the different links and then based on that, you have to choose the most appropriated answer. If you cannot open the links from here, you can Google them. At the end of each quiz you can check your score and see how accurate you were in your answers.
1)-This is an amazing quiz for kids and it is based on a very nice story narrated by a kid who wanted to eat a cake his mother had baked. At night, he makes the decision to go for it, and he tiptoes toward the kitchen fearing to wake up his parents just to discover out that his sister has eaten the cake.
2)-The first thing you must do is to watch the video and pay close attention to single details to answer the quiz in a correct way. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RL6xzw7kKN8
3)-After watching it, go to: http://www.youthink.com/quiz.cfm?action=go_detail&sub_action=take&obj_id=208422&filter=my_qs&f_cat_id=-1&time_span=all
1)-This quiz is for teenagers and it is based on a reading about the smell of a book. It says that each smells remembers us something and that everything has a different smell. The author says that his favorite smell is of a book’s, and he also describes some books he has bought because his favorite hobby is reading.
2)-Go to the following link to read the article:
3)-After that, go to this link to carry out the quizz.
1)-This quiz is for adults, and it is based on a listening about “the ideal woman.” We can listen to the opinions of two friends who have different points of views about the ideal woman. There is one man who seems to be possessive and perceives a woman as a slave, and the other who describes a woman with wonderful feelings and emotions.
2)-listen to the conversation on:
3) Go to the following link to carry out the quiz:http://www.youthink.com/quiz.cfm?action=go_detail&sub_action=take&obj_id=208414&filter=my_qs&f_cat_id=-1&time_span=all
It is important to say that some of the statements need your critical thinking because you cannot find the exactly answers in the audio.
This activity has been meaningful for us because most of the time students and teachers are accustomed to the traditional quizzes based on paper, but with these tools we can change the methodology, and it can benefit our pupils and the teacher. As you can see, by using these methodologies, we have access to most of students’ skills. We are sure that students will enjoy the experience of taking online quizzes and little by little they will get practice on the use of Internet tools.
Wow, I really like the tools you used to base your quizzes and let me tell you the quizzes are very interesting and I know students will enjoy them