sábado, 14 de agosto de 2010

The last methods...
I really learned a lot about each method, and these 3 last methods are very useful ,too.

First: CBI.
I consider that this method has something great and fundamental for students; it is, that students learn about topics and things that are really important for them. For example with children the teacher can teach about cartoons, games and others, and this is going to motivate students to continue learning and reading information.
In this case the teacher has a big responsability because he-she has to be very intelligent and look for the way how to transmit a message through these kind of topics.

Task Based Instruction.
I like to make a lot of researchs , and in this method you do many researchs with students. This is very useful because when you are active in the process of learning, you have more opportunities to learn. But if you are all the time waiting for the teacher help, you are not going to develop your skills.
Thje bad thing here is that if you want to apply this method with begginers, it is going to be very hard because children loose their attention easily, and this can cause a headache for teachers

The last method( Community Language Learning) has good things too.
I consider that you can learn a lot from others; also, if you share your ideas with your classmates, you can develop communication skills and the importance of respecting other points of view.
In this method you share a lot of with your partners;with this, you can learn a lot of vocabulary, more information about a topic etc. Also, the use of recording is very nice because you can record your mistakes in order to check them later and overcome your mistakes.
Also, I like the relation between the teacher and the student. I consider this point very important because teachers must take care of students feelings, students needs and all those things that affect their learning. Actually some teachers do it, but some others do not think why a student do not pay attention in a class,or what happen in his-her house (if their parents have problems etc). If we know this, we can help our students and our job is going to be easier.

1 comentario:

  1. Excellent comments toward the Content Based and Task Based Instruction. The attitude will make the difference at the moment of using each of these approaches although the activities might be quite difficult.
    One of the characteristics of CLL is those special bonds the teacher, students and parents develop
