viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

Hi people.........................Today I have some things to say about the activities that my classmates presented. Well today I learned a lot, and I realized that the class depends especially of the teacher because he-she is the person who can change the environment of the classroom.I think that students can be bored,but the teacher with his-her abilities can change it.

Mmmm,but about the activities I have to comment that I liked Kike´s pictures, and I really believe that one of the best ways to teach in first levels and also with teenagers, it is through pictures because it is easier to learn what the teacher is saying. I mean, when you have pictures you not only imagine something,but also see it, and this means a double learning.
I think the activities that contain different materials are more effective that those that do not use any material, especially to develop speaking skills.

Also, I enjoyed the recorder because it is very strange to listen my voice when it had been recorded. I felt nervous because I am not used to doing that; it was funny because we made some mistakes and this helped us to correct them, and this is the most important in this activity. I think that if all teachers could use this tool, it would be nice and they could get excellent results in order to teach their students.
The problem here in El Salvador is that we do not have enough resources, and teachers have to invent how to teach and make a class different.

Ohhh about Luis´ activity, I have to say that it was the first time I do that, and I felt rare because I do not have any experience in a job and that made me feel nervous as I was asking for one.
I think that these kind of activities can be useful especially with teens because they can learn about real situations and problems that they are going to face in the society.

In the last activity that was presented by Xavier, I liked the game because this helped us to feel motivated in the class, and I think this kind of games help students to work hard because they like to feel that they are winners..
I think that if we could mix all these activities and apply them in a correct way, our classes would be nice and students could learn a lot.

Mmmm about

3 comentarios:

  1. I also thought the activities were interesting. As you wrote, many of us haven't had a job experience yet. So it was something new for us when we filled out the application.

  2. hello I agree with you. pictures are useful with beginners because in that way students can record the image and the word they are learning, so as teachers we have to do our best to look for the best pictures according to what we are going to teach.

    It was nice to take part of each activity because we are the ones who are going to help our classmates to do their best right.

    we are learning a lot about teaching and I am really sure we are going to learn more. Bye. see you soon.

  3. Hi,
    We can say that Luis chose an interesting and appealing topic.

    I am glad to read you somehow enjoyed the recording activity, Vanessa. Anyways visit LUpitA´s blog and read my comment; then you may wish to answer the questions.
